Works in Print or Online

A collection of my writings that have appeared in print

or in an online publication.

A lot of what I’ve written over the past many years has been published, but that’s because I worked for a long time as a journalist for mostly minor publications. I supplemented my graduate school stipend working part time as copywriter for a Philadelphia public relations agency, and a couple of ghost-written op-ed pieces appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Washington Post. Around the same time, I got a freelance story published in the Philadelphia City Paper. (There’s a funny story about how that happened, but I won’t tell it here. Maybe it’ll turn into a blog post.) I worked as a part-time editor and reporter at a couple of Los Angeles-area dailies to pay the rent while I finished my degree at Occidental College. But the vast majority of my printed words appeared weekly in a rural Pennsylvania periodical called The Fulton County News. I still consider it my home-town newspaper.